Pass your Driving Test – 101 Tips


To raise your driving standard to pass your driving test

Written in easy to remember Acronym format

Aims of the Book

  • To promote safer driving skills which increase the Driving Test Past rate
  • To fill in the gaps in Driver Education and raise the standards
  • To reduce the number of crashes & Road related Deaths
  • Develop a safe driving culture in Ireland

What People Are Saying

“101 tips is a great companion to learn with and to continue to drive with”
– Nora

“Unusual and extremely helpful driving manual. It’s amazing how those short sentences stay in my head and come back to me in various road situations. It’s a must-have book for everyone who wants to drive with confidence.”
– Karolina

“I think Kathleen’s 101 Tips book is a must have addition to the standard information thats out there. The reason: it’s written from a practical point of view and the phrases are to such an extent ‘catchy’ that you’ll defo won’t ever forget them”
– Wem

“This helpful book is full of essential hints and tips to reinforce safe and successful driving practice”
– Alison